At OWL we implement several different parts to our program. Some of the things we offer at the base site are curriculum, healthy living, average daily living skills, bible studies, games, crafts, and participant meetings. We have also have a character counts program. This allows the participants the opportunity to advance in their social skills and learn important aspects of life like respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, caring, etc... We have a daily chore chart to help keep our program stay neat and clean.  It also gives the opportunity for the participants to learn or perfect average daily living skills.

 We support our individuals right to religious freedom, and as such they have requested to do a weekly bible study. With assistance, one of our participants/staff (Sarah), leads the bible study and takes great joy in this responsibility.

We have a weekly participant meeting where concerns of staff and participants can be written down, discussed, and practice problem solving skills and communication skills.

"I love to work out here!" - Quinn

We also have an exercise enhancement part of our program.  Our staff lead an energetic circuit training and instruct in appropriate lifts and stretches.  Each of the participants has a goal they try to exceed on a weekly basis.  Staff supports and provides adequate involvement in weight loss and weight gain challenges. 

 We have a variety of curriculum including English/handwriting, Mathematics, History, and Science that our staff is always available to adjust around our participants' needs. Our curriculum is both challenging and based on each participants level of understanding.

If you would like to use some of the curriculum at home, here is a couple of sites we use:   

For Math:

For English and Handwriting:

We play games that help teach teamwork, counting, and choice making skills. Our participants make jokes, and work together with staff and each other to make OWL feel like a family away from family, and a home away from home.

We also provide opportunities for different therapies for each of our participants. There are alternative physical therapies, speech therapies, and we have space available for several of our participants to have private time with their counselors.